Always like to pass on KUDOS! Received a call from Operations specifically to tell me what a fantastic job your crew did. The words “beautiful, spotless and wonderful” were used!!
Kudos to the team! Now you’ve set the bar… 😊
Thanks again for the hustle – well done!
– Deanne Lesnik / Nat’l Dir. of Facilities Mgmt & Admin / OTG
In addition to cleaning services Modern played a central role ensuring success of our Zero Waste program at the stadium. Over 28 tons of waste collected at the stadium last season was separated and processed for recycling, compost and waste for energy. Nothing went to the landfill. We could not have achieved this level of success without the assistance of Modern.
– Rutgers University
The management and field staff are excellent, dedicated to customer service in all areas of service. Equipment is well maintained, safety is emphasized, all workers are properly in uniform and provided personal protective equipment and training. All work conforms to contract specifications, work orders are concise, and reports are accurate and submitted in timely manner. Safety and Respectful Work Place training is provided on a regular basis. Modern Facilities Services has also provided us with excellent customer service.
– PATH Way & Structures Division
In addition to the cleaning services they provide to our facility, we have relied upon Modern Facilities to provide the following additional services:
Special Projects:
- 24/7 on call availability
- Emergency Services
- Quick staff turnaround time
- Flexibility with hourly scheduling-often with short notice
- Very high employee retention
– FLIK International